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Tools and Tips to Manage Your Ecommerce Business Reports

Tools and Tips to Manage Your Ecommerce Business Reports
Managing business files is not an easy task. You have to look at the document of every employee. Also, you have to maintain a record of other tasks in the organization.

So, it can be a little hectic to keep an eye on all the files. Also, it may happen that you may misplace some important documents which can create an issue for you in the end.

To avoid such mishaps and manage all the files on the device, you need to get help from online tools that will help in arranging the documents in the folder.

The best thing about these online tools is that they can reduce your work efforts and make working easy.

By doing this, you can easily share the documents with others and make your files accessible quickly.

In this article, we will talk about the amazing online tools that you all need to know about for managing business reports.

Tips for Managing Corporate Documents

You may have noted that most of the business records kept on the computers are saved in PDF format.

The reason is that this format is considered the safest one for keeping the content, “as well as being viewed by a PDF viewer.”

So, we are going to talk about these PDF files and will tell you how you can manage these important documents in the folder without any hurdles.

  • Merge Your Files

    Since keeping the records of all the employees can be a little difficult. The reason is that you may misplace important files while managing a lot of files.

    So, the best solution for sorting all the records is by merging the files having the same topic. This will reduce the number of files in your system and make it easy for you to organize the files in your system.

    For it, you can get help from online PDF mergers as it assists you in merging the files quickly without any restriction.


    This is an amazing online tool that can assist you in combining a lot of PDF documents and keeping them all in one place.

    You can work on a lot of PDF documents at once without any restrictions. You will not have to face any issues while using this online tool.

    The best thing about this online tool is that you can rearrange the files in this online tool before merging them. For it, you will have to drag the documents and keep them in the required order.


    FormX can be a valuable tool for ecommerce businesses that need to extract data from PDF documents. The FormX PDF to XML converter can quickly and accurately extract data from PDF invoices, receipts, and other documents. This data can then be used to automate tasks, improve accuracy, and save money. After: PDF file, your content will become safe.

  • Split the large files

    Another way of managing the PDF files in your system is by splitting the files that are too large or have multiple types of content.

    So, if you have to share a particular document with your colleague it may be difficult for you to take out that specific section from the entire file.

    Here you need to go for splitting the PDF file and making the sections of the documents. This will make it easy for you to handle the records and share them easily.

    For splitting the PDF files, you need to get help from an online PDF splitter that will allow you to take out pages from the document and keep them separately


    For splitting PDF documents, this online tool can always be a handy option. The reason is that you can upload large size of files here without any change in the speed of this online tool.

    When you upload the files in this online PDF splitter, it separates all the pages on the screen. You can select all the pages that you want to extract from the file.

    After that, hit the split button and the pages that you have separated will be kept in an extra file that you can save on the device.

  • Compress documents to reduce the size

    The size of PDF files is much more than other formats. This often leads to an effect on the storage of the system.

    Therefore, it is important to cut the size of PDF documents and manage the system space effectively.

    You can’t reduce the size of PDF files manually. So, you need to get help from an online PDF compressor that assists in shrinking the size of files without compromising the quality of the content.


    To cut the size of PDF files and manage the system storage easily, this PDF compressor can always be a handy option.

    You don’t need to worry about the quality of the content while using this online tool. The reason is that it preserves the quality of the content and offers you a new file with less size.

  • Lock the important documents

    Keeping your important files in the device without setting a password for them will make them insecure and anybody can get access to your content.

    Therefore, you must set a pin for the PDF files and make them away from the approach of others. For it, you need to get help from an online PDF protector.


    To make your PDF files secure and set a password for the documents, this online tool can be the best option as you can make your files secure here by setting a pin for the document.

    When you browse the document here, it will ask you for the password that you want to set for the file. After you put the pin code for the PDF file, your content will become safe.


For ecommerce businesses, you will have to keep records of all the dealings with the clients. And the files you save in the folder are mostly kept in PDF format.

Therefore, the best thing for you is to manage those documents to avoid any mishap of losing the documents.

And the best way that you can go for managing the files is by using online tools as they can assist you in sorting the documents quickly.

Here we have talked about the crucial tips that can make your managing process easy. Also, we have discussed the tools that can be helpful in this regard.