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How to Create the Perfect Travelling Blog Website

Perfect Travelling Blog Website
Blogging is so big on the internet right now. Everybody reads blogs – because there’s so many to choose from!

Regardless of what your interests are, there’s always going to be at least a handful of blog posts put out there on the internet that interest you every day! One of the move popular forms of blogging, is creating a travel blog, to not only record your time away (if you wanted to do that, you could just start a diary) but also to share your experiences with others on the internet.

But if you’re going on your travelling adventure soon and aren’t sure how to record it, what’s the best way to start a blog website? With these simple steps, you’ll have it perfect in no time.

Make a Gallery

It’s not easy to put the emotional journey of travelling alone into words, so this is where pictures can be a saving grace on your blog.

Nowadays when we go online to read blogs, we’re not usually attracted to them by long winded words and never-ending paragraphs – it’s more down to how well the picture accompanying the blog grabs our attention.

With a lot of WordPress themes, you’re able to put your pictures and photographs in a gallery like formation and edit them if you so desire. You can add filters on to your photos so that your blog-viewers can see where it is you are in the world without you having to give them a detailed explanation.

Obviously there has to be some content to your blog post too, but if you start with pictures and let them inspire your blog posts, you can’t go far wrong. People love reading about travelling and fantasising that one day, they’ll pack up and do it themselves.

How Can I Get People to View my Blog?

The whole point of starting a blog all about your travels on the internet is not only to document the time you’ve had while you’ve been away, but to share your experience with others across the world.

So how can you even be sure that people actually find your blog? The internet is an enormous wealth of content, and you don’t want your carefully crafted blog posts getting lost in the tide. Luckily for you, there are websites such as out there that are easy to access, and will offer you expert advice about how to get your webpage to attract the audience it so desires.

Define Your own Purpose

Everyone who starts a blog post does it for a different reason, and before you start writing, you need to know and make others aware of what your purpose is, and primarily what your blog will be about. Of course, a travelling blog is about an individual’s experience whilst travelling, but what is the purpose of letting people know about this?

Some people do it to simply keep friends and family up to date with what they’re up to and are therefore to keep it low profile. Others do it to connect to other people travelling out there and share their experiences and learn from others too.

Travelling solo can be a difficult and lonely experience at times, and by connecting with people on the internet who are experiencing similar things, you open yourself up to an entirely new community.

Pack the Right Kit

If you’re going to blog while you’re on your travels, you’re going to need some equipment with you in order for you to do it successfully. First of all, you’ll need a laptop, and camera.

Failing that, a smart phone with a camera and access to the internet can be just as good, but it depends on the quality of the photos that you’re wanting to take.

You’ll then have to consider the logistics of how and when you’re going to get time to write your blogs, and access to post them online. When you’re planning your route, you’ll at the very least have to make sure you’re able to visit places with Wi-Fi in order to be able to post things at all.

Prepare for Hard Work

Finally, if you’re serious about really committing to your travel blog and you’re hoping for it to go professional at some point, you’ll have to be ready to put everything into it.

Travelling is a tiring experience and adding becoming a blogger onto that only gives you more to think about. You just have to think whether the end product justifies the means, and nine times out of ten the answer to that is yes.