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Top 10 Elements Of An Effective of Website Design

Elements of Website Design
Designing is the key part of website because when a user interact with any new website then first of all it will interact with a design so the design is playing an important role that is having a game changer role in the website.

So in design, there are many factors that make an effective design and give us unique view and services. So designing is a key factor in a website.

If design will be responsive and interactive then the user will be engaged with it and we will get better result, an eye catching design will attract more and user will stay long and will know about the services and functionalities that we are providing and if he will interesting in our services then it will convert into a client so this type design is powerful impact.

There are multiple feature and attributes that makes our design responsive and excellent, that are like as-

  1. Simple and Eye Catching

    A site must have simple and eye catching, because a user wants all things simple and in an easy way so that a user can check all our services and can know all about services.

    I eye catching design persist user to stay more and if a user will stay more on website then he will find more and get more from here, so our designing is playing a big role to convert users into clients.

  2. Responsive

    A website design must be responsive like when we open our website in PC and laptop, then it views will differ and when we will open it in mobile then it must not have changes like it must be fitted on mobile, means it should not count any changes either open it in PC or mobile.

    Responsive means its response should be perfect in any device.

  3. Load Time

    The Load time of the website depend on designing so our website load time should be less than one second. If we are having load speed more than three second, then user will bounce back and our CTR will high.

    CTR means Click Through Rate. It should not be high. If we want to make low our CTR and want to reduce bounce rate than our website load time should be low and website must be designed under that parameter.

    Load time could be reduced like decreasing image size, minify CSS, JavaScript and HTML. Perfect load lime is less than one sec.

  4. Images

    On a website, an image speaks a thousand words, so when uploading product images, make sure they are high quality and attractive. The image should be choosing according to our services and when someone will look our images, then it should know about our services by looking images.

    You can add interactive images and videos to attract users and our focus must be on quality images. A perfect image will tell you all about services and unique images can change your all scenarios.

    We can describe all our services by images and sometimes we could write short notes on images so it will be more engaging and will tell you all about services. It all depend you that how you can make your images more meaningful.

  5. Navigation

    Navigation is an important part of designing. So, we should use a silo structure that is really helpful for both human and search engine. Our link should follow three click rules.

    All services should be easily available like clicks button should be attractive and good looking. Link hierarchy should be according to rules and regulation.

    Navigation is most impacting and effecting part in website design and it should be perfect in all conditions.

  6. Mobile Friendly

    Our website design must be mobile friendly because now days, mostly we use our website by using mobile so it should fit in all kinds of phones. A mobile friendly website is very important for your business growth.

    When we design, then sometimes it doesn’t work on all mobiles then we should remove this problem because mostly 70% traffic on the website comes through mobile so our website should be mobile friendly and it is very important.

  7. Layouts

    Layout is centric part in website design. Sometimes we write content in the website in an informal ways, so it looks very bad and gives a bad impression. So our content must be in a perfect format like Grid view.

    We can arrange our contents in blocks, sections, rows and columns so it will look better and will give a perfect impression to users and users love this functionality.

    So mostly we should use Grid view layout that is perfect match for our websites. A perfect eye catching layout leads us to obtain more business.

  8. Colors

    We should always opt cool colors in the website. A balanced color will attract more users and make force on user to stay there more.

    If the colors will be brighter then user will bounce back and our CTR will increase, so making a friendly website, we should focus on simple, cool and eye catching colors that is better for us.

    Dark color makes user apprehensive. So we should prefer light colors and colors should be according to our services and it should be matched with services and must leave an impact of services.

  9. About US and Contact Information

    Contact information and about us is a key attribute in website design and we should focus on it and should keep it in primary focus.

    Contact information should be on all header and footer, if it is possible and we should create a contact form so user can easily contact us and in the about us section, we should focus on our services and it should be a brief discussion that who we are and what we are delivering.

    By including them we can highlight our services and by using contact form a user can directly contact us in an easy way.

    Its format should be simple and attractive; our effective color combination can give them a perfect look and view. Our design part must be so unique.

  10. Information Footer, Search and Web Fonts

    Search bar help user a lot to easily find out specific thing. It makes our services special and a user can directly go to the specific search and can get information easily about their interested thing.

    So it is mandatory now. Web fonts make our services and website attractive, when we use attractive web fonts, then our words got more engagement and they became eye catching, so perfect web fonts can change all and it can help a user to persist there more time.

    In footer part you can make different block, where you can show your latest Blog, Facebook account, Twitter account, contact information, services, slogan and user response, you can shoe here.

    So a user can know all about you by getting short information about you. Footer part play an important role if you play your card well then it can bring more traffic and form here you can redirect the user to crawl more uses so it will keep engage user to your website and it will reduce your CTR. So this is a powerful technique that improves you website.

So after reviewing all above given key factor, we can easily know that what makes our website user interactive and more engaging.

Website design is the most important part of our website because a user first interacts with design and if our design is perfect then everything is perfect.

As we can say that first impression is the last impression. So we should always pay more heed on design, design attributes is the most powerful key in the website and it always pays us more.

For a successful website, design is core part that attracts user and retain them. All apart that content is also king in a website that also persist user to stay there more.

For a perfect web design is core part that is always a robust and important. For making a successful website, there are many more factors apart the above given, but if we follow them we can boost our website.

In a website main thing is user interaction and that always depend upon the look and if the look is pretty good, then it will be more fruitful for you because it will bring more user to your website and after knowing you services they will definitely covert in our clients.

A perfect design guide user well and he can get well all about services like a quality content, high quality images, web fonts, perfect colors, spaces, information , layouts, navigation and mobile friendly all things give a full information about our services.

So if a user will get all services from us perfectly, then it will surely love our services and will be always fruitful for us.

So this type using all above given key element that gives a perfect design, it should be opt by us. So we should always focus on improving website design and our all steps must go to improve our website because a perfect design can lead you to a client.

DC Kumawat Author

I am DC Kumawat. I am Co- Founder of Orion Infosolutions Website & Mobile App Development Company. I am passionate about reading and writing new things. I have written different types of mobile technology blogs for my company website.