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Slow WordPress Blog is Hampering You! Follow Below Tactics

Slow WordPress Blog
The intelligent crowd carrying a website takes into account external appearance first to make it more engaging. But, the other most important factor which is left untouched by the site admins, is the website speed.

Among the long list of CMS available, WordPress is one of the most popular platforms which delivers feature-rich responsive websites to the diverse business models satisfying their business requisites.

The speed of a WordPress website is as crucial as its look and feel because no one except you knows what is hidden in your website until it will load. It has been noticed that a visitor expects a website to get load within 3-4 seconds.

After that, he leaves the page and unfortunately all of your efforts and creativity will get wasted. A sensible approach to follow in this case is to keep a keen eye on how much your website is embedded, and how beneficial all these elements are.

In parallel, there is another important question to consider. It is to know that how all of these participating elements can take part in affecting the speed of a Website.

When speed factor has been analyzed for the WordPress CMS, there are so many factors that can be injected into it to add more functionality.

Hold for a while and explore the below parameters. Not all, but some of them can relate to you and working over it can produce noticeable results. You can make necessary changes by opting these facts to improve the loading speed of your WordPress blog.

  1. Hosting Service

    Speed is highly dependent on the web host which you are using. Actually it is the primary aspect to decide the behavior of your WordPress blog.

    Those hosting providers who provide ample support must only be chosen to get better results. It may also happen that the host which you opted will not be optimized for your WordPress blog. This may be a tough situation for you.

  2. Plugins

    Plugins can be assumed as the heart of your WordPress website that can dramatically extend its functionality, but a wise selection is necessary to maintain the site loading speed. Include those in your dashboard which have the genuine use while avoid the surplus one.

    This will optimize the load time of your blog. For the above purpose, you can either remove a plugin or use a single plugin which has the functionality of multiple plugins.

    * Yoast is a multipurpose plugin while shareaholic is meant for disabling the unwanted plugins.

  3. Themes

    As upgrade is always appreciated, WordPress is also not untouched with this air. For better performance, it is advised to use modern themes to ensure responsive nature and faster loading experience.

  4. Ads

    Promotion became a mandatory part to sustain in today’s competitive environment. But, quality should never be kept at risk at any cost. Like, using PPD ads will be less preferred as they have lots of unnecessary HTML content which affect the site load speed to a much extent.

    In contrast, Google Adsense can be advisable if you are genuinely interested in the promotion without harming the performance of your WordPress blog. It will benefit you with optimized speed and improved CRC.

  5. Images

    Images are the major part of any web design as they add more readability and make it more creative than a monotonous text based web page. Images usually catches the user’s interest towards your blog. But, excess of anything is not advisable.

    So, a good try is to optimize the images that you use and make a proper balance among all the available elements to put them in sync. It can be achieved by image compression to reduce its size.

    * Smushit is plugin for image compression.

  6. Flash

    Being interactive is good, but not overdo it. To use flash content is one such negative practice which needs to be reduced to improve the load time of your WordPress website.

    Flash enabled content must not be allowed anywhere in your WordPress blog if you want flawless and fast loading.

  7. Content Delivery Network

    It is a solid proof network which delivers the cached static content depending upon the geographical area. It simply delivers a WordPress site that can be quickly loaded in every part of the world.

    As content is supposed to be the king of every type of website, it needs to be of supreme quality and must be shared to the audience with the same feel.

  8. Code Quality

    It is also necessary to explore which element takes more time to load. Page speed and other related factors affecting it can be analyzed with the help of some tools. For example, code comprising flash and heavy JavaScript take comparatively more time unlike other elements being used. These HTML and CSS elements can be compressed for flawless results.

    * A plugin called Autoptimize can be used for HTML code compression and make it light.

Closing Words

The best part of using the WordPress theme is that it can be easily customized as per your requirements. So, for better performance speeding up your website is necessary. Above are some of the major drilling factors which might be affecting your WordPress blog and you are losing your deserving traffic.

This is the high time if you also feel to evaluate your business site after reading these points. If only few of them will produce good results for you, it is worth beneficial.

David Meyer Author

David Meyer is an expert WordPress developer as well as a creative blogger working with CSSChopper from last few years. He has a great expertise in PSD to WordPress conversion he loves to share his immense knowledge about the same among the readers.