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7 Future Trends of Web Development

This year will provide greater user experiences, stronger cybersecurity, and excellent SEO potential. However, don`t forget that only a professional web app development company can make these trends work properly and efficiently. Check out our list of the top web development trends. if you’re looking for web development solutions to enhance the usability, performance, and ranking of your product.

1. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Accelerated Mobile Pages, or AMPs, already exist. The AMP project from Google has been running for two years and is still expanding. Rapid webpage loading is made possible via the open-source project AMP. By eliminating scripts that slow down web pages, AMP cuts them down to their bare essentials. In a word, AMP increases website exposure in search results and overall user experience.

An AMP consists of the three following elements:

  • AMP HTML (standard HTML with AMP-specific extensions)
  • AMP JS (fast-loading JavaScript that loads the repository)
  • AMP CND (an optimized network created to cache pages and quickly adapt them to AMP code)

The fact that Google’s mobile-first index outperforms Google’s standard desktop index may be the cause of AMP’s rising popularity. Nowadays, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets contribute to about 59% of all internet traffic. Thus, AMP use will increase as search engine optimization (SEO) shifts toward mobile devices. Let’s think about the benefits of switching a website to AMP:

Faster load speed

An AMP page may load in just half a second as opposed to a typical web page’s three seconds. A quicker loading time enhances the user experience overall. Decreased bounce levels and higher conversion rates can be seen on websites that have switched to AMP. For instance, Walmart revealed that AMP cut their smartphone loading speed by one second and increased conversions by 2%. Yahoo’s AMP witnessed a 40% reduction in load time, which led to a 9% rise in traffic.

Improved mobile ranking

The quicker load time and increased convenience of AMP support can have a beneficial impact on mobile rankings even if it isn’t an official ranking criteria. Eventually, AMP websites will supplant standard websites in results pages.

Better server performance

For websites that receive a ton of mobile traffic, AMP is a fantastic solution. By switching to AMP, a website’s server will reduce its load and increase performance. For a better understanding of the AMP phenomenon, let`s look at its main stats:

  • The number of AMP pages has surpassed 2 billion;
  • Every second, 58 AMP pages are launched;
  • By deploying AMP, AliExpress decreased its load time by 3.6 percent, which resulted in a 10.5 percent growth in orders and a 27 percent improvement in conversion rate.

Let’s look at the following illustration to better grasp the differences between standard web pages and AMP pages:

2. Progressive web applications (PWAs)

Businesses have a well-established requirement to target clients using mobile devices because, at this time, nearly 60% of web traffic goes from smartphones and tablets. There are three options for businesses looking to draw in mobile users: construct a native application, design a dynamic website, or create a progressive web application (PWA).

Although native applications offer the best user experience, they also have greater development obstacles. The software must be downloaded by users before they may use it. Although they are quicker to access, mobile versions of websites are much less effective from the user’s perception. The best course of action for firms would be to minimize the gap between the two possibilities. Progressive web applications are useful in this situation. Even though a PWA doesn’t require customers to download it from the mobile app store, it performs just like a native application. A PWA is an app that is distributed over the web and loads immediately. The three primary parts of this technique are as follows:

  • Application shell architecture (fast loading with server staff)
  • Server workers (offline support and background tasks)
  • Web app manifest ( native features)

Let’s examine the benefits of PWAs in more detail:

  • PWAs are effective since they operate on-demand and don’t require a lot of storage;
  • PWAs have an offline mode;
  • PWAs are compatible with the mobile-first strategy and operate flawlessly on mobile devices;
  • A company may save up to 75% on maintenance and development expenses by using a PWA instead of developing a separate native app;
  • A PWA runs up to three times faster than a typical app, which lowers the load on the server.

PWAs as a concept seems amazing, but are there any examples of this technology being successfully used? Just have a peek at the statistics of major corporations that have previously introduced PWAs:

  • There were 75% more Tweets sent using Twitter’s PWA.
  • With a new PWA, Tinder reduced its loading time from 12 seconds to 4.69 seconds.
  • Pinterest improved customer engagement by 60% by redesigning its mobile version as a PWA.
  • Even on 2G, Uber’s PWA now loads in 3 seconds.

In the future, this technology will spread since data indicate that utilizing PWAs significantly improves user experience and engagement.

3. Voice search optimization

The use of voice search technologies is rapidly expanding. Although traditional search is still popular, it’s been noted that more and more users (about 71%) are speaking to their virtual assistants instead of typing.

With the use of voice search technology, users may ask a smart device a query to do a search. These days, this technology is having an impact in many areas, particularly e-commerce. When compared to manual search, voice commerce enables consumers to search for products and make purchases considerably more quickly and effectively. The most widely used voice search assistants at the moment are Microsoft’s Cortana, Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon’s Alexa.

You may be curious about the potential effects of this technology on your company and the benefits of voice search website optimization. Well, let`s have a look:

  • Higher position. Because voice search optimization is recognized by search engines like Google, using this technology can raise your website’s SEO rating.
  • Increased user acquisition. Websites that are voice search-optimized appear higher on search engine result pages, which increases their power to attract and keep users.
  • Better traffic. The increased visibility and authority of your website thanks to voice search optimization increases traffic to it.
  • Improved client experience. Websites that are voice search-friendly respond to user inquiries more quickly. Better search efficiency, a more enjoyable user experience, and more user engagement are all outcomes of a faster search.

If a business wants to successfully compete with other companies and get a higher SEO rating on Google, one should pay attention to the rising trend of voice search.

4. Cybersecurity

According to the Cybersecurity Ventures research, global cybercrime costs will rise from $3 trillion in 2015 to $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. For the past few years, the most prominent trend in web development has been cybersecurity.

Zero Trust security model

Zero Trust is a security idea that emphasizes vetting every connection someone or anything makes to a system before allowing access. When it comes to cybersecurity, this tactic essentially means to never trust anyone.

In order to identify possible risks, the Zero Trust security model continually monitors an individual’s activity. The risk score is produced by the Zero Trust system once risk factors have been calculated. Additionally, the user will either be disconnected or required to pass multi-factor verification if the risk score exceeds a certain level.

In 2021, businesses invested roughly $150.4 billion in cybersecurity. Companies are aware that current technologies are insufficiently secure and consider the Zero Trust model to be one of the most successful.


In May 2018, the European Union implemented the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is a data protection regulation. To restore control over data security and manage information privacy, the EU developed this rule. According to Forrester’s study, businesses that have already adopted the GDPR claim increases in consumer trust and general company development.

Demands for data protection are rising throughout Europe and beyond. In 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect. Given that it has already shown to be effective in Germany, the UK, and other European nations, the GDPR has enormous promise in the cybersecurity sector.


  • According to 60% of respondents, the GDPR has substantially altered the procedures used by their firms for gathering, utilizing, and safeguarding personal information;
  • 58 percent of respondents anticipate an increase in data governance spending to address GDPR problems;
  • According to a poll, 69% of American consumers want US legislation similar to GDPR to be passed.
Biometric security

According to Markets and Markets, the market for biometric systems will reach $82.9 billion in value by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 14.1 percent. Businesses will utilize biometric solutions to safeguard their data since doing so greatly improves cybersecurity. People used to feel uncomfortable disclosing their biometric information via technology like fingerprint and retina scanning. However, given the popularity of mobile devices today, users feel secure using FaceID and fingerprint recognition to unlock their handsets.

Mobile devices currently come with biometrics as a basic feature. Given that this technique more reliably establishes a person’s identification than password authentication, biometric authentication offers more convenience and more robust security.

5. AI chatbots

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, businesses are automating their customer service and support to reduce operating costs, increase independence from human resources, and provide clients with 24/7 access to their services. Nearly 40% of internet users worldwide prefer communicating with chatbots, according to Business Insider. On the other side, companies may also benefit from deploying AI chatbots. By 2023, its implementation might result in yearly savings of up to $11 billion for the banking, retail, and healthcare industries.

A growing number of major corporations, like Starbucks, eBay, LinkedIn, and British Airways, are utilizing chatbots as one of their primary means of communicating with customers. Important industry giants like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook make investments in AI-based chatbot technology to improve the usability and human likeness of their products. As a result, AI-based chatbots are probably going to continue to be one of the most common web development technologies for the foreseeable future.

6. Serverless architecture

To limit instances of system overloading, avoid data loss, and lower development costs, the web development sector is changing. Serverless technology satisfies each of these objectives. Businesses may launch any kind of application or backend service using cloud technology without having to worry about managing the infrastructure. To handle increasing data loads, servers don’t need to be upgraded because the cloud service provider will take care of everything.

The market for serverless architecture is anticipated to increase at a CAGR of 22.7 percent from $7.6 billion in 2020 to $21.1 billion in 2025. This suggests that there will be a rise in the popularity of serverless technologies in the next years.

7. Web design with a business-driven approach

Today, web design and programming go hand in hand. Since UX design is a key factor in company success, we also chose to highlight some design trends. Designers are now empathizing more with companies than users.

Design teams will work harder than ever to make their methods research-based, gauge the effectiveness of their work, and tweak their designs to address actual business issues.

Voice UI is a popular design concept in the web development space. The design sector must develop user-friendly speech interfaces given the rapid expansion of voice assistants and voice search technologies.

Consider the device-agnostic design, a contemporary method of responsive design, as one more intriguing development. Design that is independent of gadgets advises putting the requirements of the user first. Designers in 2019 will consider how to give users the greatest experience possible across all devices and at each stage of the user journey.

Summing up
On the whole, 2022 is going to be another exciting year for new technologies in the web development industry. If you want to set your business apart this year, you’d better consider some trends from the list above and find a useful technology to apply. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on this topic in the comments below!