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Why WordPress is the Best Platform for Your Next Website

WordPress is the Best Platform
If you’ve ever wanted to start a website or blog, or already have one, you’ve likely heard of WordPress and may already be using it.

In short, WordPress is the free CMS software and platform that makes it easy for anyone to go live with a website or blog of their own. Best of all, there are little-to-no technical or design skills required to master using WordPress.

When you look at the internet as a whole, there are now more than a billion active sites online. When we say “active”, we mean that they are creating content on a recurring basis.

Thanks to the power of WordPress, launching a site has never been easier — which is why we are seeing such massive growth in new sites and the business of WordPress.

It’s also important to note, that with such massive growth being seen in the world of web sites and blogging, this also means a lot more competition for ranking in Google as well.

To rank effectively in Google, one must also understand the basics of SEO — which WordPress instantly improves right out of the box. Just like WordPress makes SEO easy for bloggers and site owners of all sizes, it also makes content creation, design, and customization a breeze as well.

With all of this in mind, today we are going to discuss the many benefits and features of WordPress and why it’s simply the best solution when launching a new website, blog, or brand on the internet today.

Let’s get started.

WordPress is Free and Easy for Anyone to Learn

Free is always good. It’s even better when “free” actually means “free”! All too often, we come across offers and promotions on the internet with the word “free”, and it ends up costing us money at some point.

With the software provided by WordPress, it really is free and there are no hidden costs (thought you might need to invest some money into web hosting to get your site online), the benefits of using this free platform is vast.

Even better than WordPress software not costing users anything, the usability and interface of the platform is also quite amazing. In the past, if you wanted to launch a website or brand online, you would likely need to hire a designer, a code, and also learn some basic HTML.

Now, thanks to the power of WordPress, anyone can go live with a site or online business of their own without ever needing to touch a line of code, open a graphic design software, or even need to know what HTML means. This is actually an active discussion on Quora, where everyone is providing their own input on why and how WordPress can play such a big role on the internet, while also being 100% free to use in the process.

In short, WordPress has completely changed the way websites and content is created on the internet today.

The Business of WordPress is Growing Rapidly

WordPress isn’t just a free content management solution, it’s actually a whole niche market that collectively generates billions of dollars per yet.

Thanks to the introduction of WordPress, there are now freelancers, businesses, and brands that create custom WP themes, plugins, and services that are catered specifically to its users and audience.

A perfect example of this can be seen in the world of web hosting, where WordPress-focused solutions are now more in demand than ever before. Shared web hosting plans are usually the recommended option when starting a new site, but with WordPress needing more security updates and management than a basic WordPress site, it’s a good idea to choose a web hosting plan and solution that is more catered to that software and management.

To see the many different options when it comes to choosing a generic hosting solutions versus one that focuses their hosting on WordPress, be sure to check out this web hosting comparison tool. With names like Bluehost, Dreamhost, HyperHost, and Siteground all being recommended by WordPress as top web hosting solutions for bloggers and WP users, it’s likely we are going to see more businesses and brand refocus their efforts towards WordPress customers and users as well.

Using WordPress to Build Your Site Means Easy Management

The internet has made the opportunity to start a brand or business on the internet a whole lot easier. A perfect example of this can be found in the world of content creation and blogging.

Through passionate writing and providing value to an audience, there are many different ways to drive traffic to your site — then additionally making money with affiliate marketing or Google Adsense. As bloggers and site owners continue to learn more about how to create better content and rank in the search results, they also learn how to better utilize the WordPress platform as well.

Best of all, with so many brands and websites actually having monetization methods and businesses based around WordPress users and companies, there is literally an endless supply of resources to learn from online — both through written text content and online video.

You, WordPress, and the Internet

Now that we’ve gone through just a sample of reasons why WordPress is the best CMS and software solution for building a site on the internet today, the ball is in your court. If you are already using WordPress, congrats! If not, what are you waiting for?

It’s not just about using WordPress to get your site live and having an easy way to create content and an online brand, it’s also about using a platform that will allow you to grow and expand overtime — all without the need to hire a designer, coder, or bring in a team of freelancers.

Take the time to understand the true potential of WordPress, and implement it’s many features and benefits into the day to day operations of your brand or business.

This applies to SEO, content creation, site design, ranking higher in Google, social media sharing and much more… all thanks to the power of WordPress and the many themes and plugins that are publicly available to everyone.

Appreciate what WordPress has to offer. Treat your website or blog like a business, and it will likely be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made!