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Comparison between HTML, Bootstrap, WordPress and PHP

HTML Bootstrap WordPress and PHP
These are the three most important technologies that are used today all over the internet including websites, web applications, mobile applications etc.

As html is the standard language that every website has to follow so there are some rules that have to be followed while writing anything in html – Tags should be closed properly, tags should be nested properly etc.

Bootstrap follows css class naming conventions instead of html tag names so it makes it easier to write code without having any knowledge of html or very little knowledge of it.

The third one, WordPress is not only a website but it’s also a platform for easy blogging and people can easily host their website on it.

Finally, PHP is the coding language that is used to interact with the database i.e., MySQL which you need in order to power your site or application. In the world of continuous software innovation, these languages still hold their own when it comes to front-end development.


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the code that forms web pages by adding ingredients like headings, paragraphs, and lists and so on.

HTML gives structure to your content so it can be read by search engines and browsers. It tells them this text represents a heading, or paragraph, or list item.

This makes it easier for all users to browse your website. HTML also allows you to add dynamic content with languages like JavaScript or PHP.

What can HTML do?
HTML is a markup language used to create web pages. It contains three basic tags:

– encloses the whole document in html-tags. This tag could simply be left out, but it’s standard practice to include it for clarity and organization.
– contains all the metadata about a webpage, such as the title, links to scripts and style sheets, etc.
– which holds everything that will be displayed in an html document.

HTML – Pros & Cons

  • HTML has no learning curve which makes it very easy to learn & use by anyone who has basic knowledge of computers. Moreover html looks cleaner too without any extra codes but you should be careful while closing tags otherwise this might result in errors or lessen your page speed which will decrease your search engine rankings too.
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  • Cons of this technology is that it’s very hard to make your site more interactive & modern looking with html alone, if you are using bootstrap on top of it then coding becomes easier but still not easy as compared to wordpress or php.
  • HTML is an open source technology.
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    Bootstrap is a free front end framework that assists in the development of responsive websites compatible with desktops, tablets and mobile phones including iPhones all popular brands.

    Bootstrap is based on HTML and CSS. It mainly uses a 12-column grid system for responsive design. Bootstrap also has various standard web page templates to help you quickly start building your website. Add-ons can be used as well such as Glyph Icons, jQuery plugins, JavaScript components and Sass mixins.

    While working with Bootstrap projects, you can consider using Bootstrap admin dashboard to fasten your development workflow.

    Bootstrap – Pros & Cons

    • Bootstrap is a responsive framework which means that users can easily view their websites from different devices like phones, tablets etc. making it mobile friendly too. So there are no issues related to browsers compatibility as well as page speed because all those issues are already taken care by the framework itself.
    • Most important con of this framework is that developers have to write extra code in order make a website for example: If you want to make a button then instead of just writing “button” css class, you have to write “btn btn-primary” which is not only hard & tedious but also requires extra time.
    • Bootstrap learning curve is very less i.e., it’s very easy to learn for most developers because all the classes are mashed up in documentation so if someone knows html he/she can easily learn bootstrap within an hour or two. So there are no coding conventions that developer has to follow while using this framework like they have to do for html or WordPress etc.


    WordPress is one of the world’s most popular blogging platform these days with over 20 percent market share in 2013 according to W3Techs.

    Users are given an easy to use interface that they can use to publish their posts where they write about what’s happening in their life or business without any difficulties.

    Some would even say it has made publishing content online so simple anyone can do it whether they are a professional blogger or a beginner. It is very easy to create a WordPress website and that too just under 5 Minutes!

    WordPress is based on PHP and MySQL databases, which are both open source technologies. Users get the best of both worlds because they get free access to two very powerful technologies that they can use to create and manage their website without any knowledge in programming or database management at all.

    Themes in WordPress give users a wide variety of styles to choose from, but it’s even possible for them to customize existing themes with CSS if they feel like it.

    WordPress – Pros & Cons

    • Pros of WordPress is that it’s an open source platform so there are no license issues or other restrictions that directly affect the cost of development which makes it really cheap. It also accepts 3rd party plugins/themes so if someone wants to alter functionality then he/she can do this by just using a plugin without much coding.
    • Cons of using WordPress is that it requires programming knowledge i.e., someone who knows php well or at least basic coding can easily handle it so there is no need to hire separate developer for frontend part but creating themes is pretty tough because certain things have to be implemented in order to make theme responsive so you can’t just create an unattractive looking theme with bootstrap alone without having css knowledge, still if you hire a designer then he/she can create beautiful looking themes for you too.


    This language is used by over 20 million websites including Facebook and Wikipedia according to W3Techs.
    Because so many sites depend on it there is a huge community of developers who write code for this generation engine every day making it one of the most popular languages for web development.

    PHP is a programming language that’s used to add dynamic elements to web pages so they can be updated at any time without you having to update your website itself.

    This allows users to populate content on their site in a variety of different ways throughout the day from updating prices to adding new offers or services.

    Users only have to write a few lines of code which they can put into any file on their website, and then it will start live immediately without the need for further coding.

    PHP scripts are generally placed in between HTML tags making them visible in browsers which is how users see it working.

    The most difficult thing about using this technology is finding someone who knows it well enough to make customizations for your business needs.

    PHP -Pros & Cons

    • If someone knows html, bootstrap & WordPress well then php will be very easy for them because all those technologies are made up of basic programming language i.e., html. So now people who have previous knowledge of css are easily able to handle bootstrap too because they both use the same basic concepts like classes are used in both of them so this makes it even easier to learn.
    • Cons of php is that you have to hire a good developer if you want some custom functionality on your website. Otherwise just go with Wordpress, don’t waste time while asking someone who knows html or css how they can maintain websites because they just know the look but not the behavior.

    HTML is a markup language that forms web pages. Bootstrap helps you build responsive websites compatible with desktops, tablets and mobile phones using only HTML and CSS.

    WordPress makes blogging simple especially for beginners with easy to use interfaces that allow them to publish their posts where they can write about what’s happening in their life or business without any difficulties.

    PHP is used by over 20 million websites including Facebook and Wikipedia according to W3Techs, making it one of the most popular programming languages for web development.