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3 Minor Content Mistakes Ruining Your SEO Efforts

SEO is huge right now. According to an online source, the value of the SEO industry is more than 50 billion dollars in 2023. If you want to know some more interesting statistics, by the way, you can click here.

Some common and seemingly neglectable mistakes could impact your ranking in search engines greatly. The following article is going to help you recognize most of these problems and why you should avoid them.

1. Misusing Keywords

Use of relevant keywords is arguably the best way to be rank higher in search engines. But, if used in the wrong way, they can backfire and cause trouble for your site’s ranking. You should never try and overuse the keywords thinking that it might help the search engine recognize you. This is not true. Instead, keywords should be used with high precision. Some forms of wrong usage of keywords are described below.

Using Competitive Keywords

Multiple sites on the internet often compete for the same keywords. Sometimes the number of sites fighting for a keyword are too high. It would be unwise to solely target such keywords. Instead, you should use keywords with relatively low competition. Finding such keywords could be done by various online tools such as Google Keyword Planner etc.

Another point to be careful about is that the keywords you are using are relevant to your topic. Otherwise, your site might appear in the results of searches that are not related to your content. In such a case, no one will visit your site.

Inserting Keywords in an Unnatural Way

Your keywords should never appear in an article repeatedly. This could potentially make Google mark your website as spam. A better approach would be to incorporate keywords in a natural way. Use these keywords in such a flow that it seems like just another ordinary part of the text.

Linking different pages of your sites through these keywords could be another good step. It will help Google recognize your website better.

Ignoring Metrics

You must always stay up to date with your analytical standing. Use online tools to measure the progress or failure of your website. If a certain keyword is not providing your expected results, you should consider a change in your plan. Pinpoint your weak points and then put some effort into improving them.

Similarly, you should monitor how much time people spend on your site. If they just skip after a few minutes, Google might deem your content irrelevant or uninformative. And, if people are spending longer time on your site, it could help in substantially increasing your rankings.

2. Low-Quality Writing

People surfing the web most probably want to increase their knowledge and do so via trusted and high-quality sources. Therefore, using ordinary content that provides little or no information about the respective topic is bound to be skipped by those people. Some of the issues regarding this matter are described below.

Little or no use of Online tools

There is a large number of online tools available to assist content writers in their work. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of them.

There are some tools that can help in correcting the grammar errors in your content, whereas there are some tools that can help you gauge the readability.

In the same way, there are paraphrasing tools that can help greatly in improving the quality of your content. These tools can rephrase your content and make it flow better. A few examples of these tools are:

Using these tools is very convenient as they usually require only a few clicks and a short amount of time.

With these tools, there are endless opportunities available to content writers. High-standard writing can be achieved by using such services. And an additional perk is that most of these tools are free. Exploring these tools will be a worthwhile investment of your time.

Trying to Please the Search engine Rather than Your Audience

Surely, there are some strategies one should imply while writing content that facilitates the search engine in finding your site. But, as we know, excess of everything is bad. If you only think about these strategies and ignore your audience, then you might find your site in low rankings.

In other words, while it’s important to optimize your content for search engines, it’s equally important to focus on providing value to your readers. By creating content that is informative, engaging, and helpful, you can attract more visitors to your website and build a loyal following. In fact, one of the best ways to improve your SEO efforts is to ensure that your content is high-quality and relevant to your target audience. To help you with this, I recommend checking out our comprehensive checklist of WordPress SEO, which provides a step-by-step guide to optimizing your website for search engines. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your content is not only SEO-friendly, but also valuable to your readers.

Copied Content

Copying the content of a successful site and inserting it into your work is a huge mistake. You can’t trick a search engine by using such cheap tricks. Your content must be well-written and 100 percent original. Furthermore, it is very possible that copying other people’s content damages your repute.

Another very common mistake that people make is that they copy other people’s content and then use a paraphrasing tool to make it look original. This could hugely damage your work because if a search engine catches this cheat, it (the search engine) will flag your website. It will be considered spam and not shown in search results. Thus, online tools should be used with caution.

3. Ineffective use of Meta Tags and Descriptions

The meta tag is the text shown in the form of a heading in search results. The smaller text that follows a meta tag and describes it is called the description. These two, if used correctly, can provide fruitful results. But they are often overlooked by people. A great amount of thought should be put into constructing these tags and descriptions.

Improper Formatting

Moreover, proper headings and subheadings should be a part of your content. Incorporating keywords in these tags or headings could be a good idea but make sure not to force them and resultantly decrease the relevancy of your work.

If your content is all mashed up and causes the reader difficulty of any kind, then it will be skipped, which will have a negative impact on your ranking. So, an orderly format should most definitely be a part of your SEO plan.

URL issues

You must be aware of all the problems that URLs can cause. The use of valid characters is one example of such problems. Conduct proper research on this matter to understand how to structure a good URL, for example the use of an underscore (_) is typically prohibited and dashes (-) are appreciated.

Similarly, you can consider adding keywords in your URL as long as they are valid and accurately describe your content. This can considerably improve your ranking in the search engine.


All of the above-mentioned mistakes are very common in new content writers and this yields very negative results for them. Correcting these mistakes can help you better understand the functioning of SEO and ultimately result in successful content writing. Therefore, one must conduct proper research before taking extreme steps that might hurt their work greatly.