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8 WordPress SEO Tips to Increase Your Organic Traffic by 200%

Are you looking for ways to increase your organic traffic by 200%? If so, you’re in luck! In this blog post. We’ll share 8 WordPress SEO tips to help you do that.

As a website owner, you know that getting the right amount of organic traffic is essential for your business’s success.

Digital presence is crucial for a website’s profitability. Many organizations, including Facebook and Twitter, invest in online traffic through adverts. But what if you’re on a tight budget? This is when you’ll need SEO WordPress tips to rank organically.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to attract more visitors from Google and increase your website’s overall ranking by 200% guaranteed.

Let’s dive in without further ado!

Why Do You Need Organic Traffic?

You need organic traffic to win more users without investing money. To do so, you follow different SEO criterias. WordPress SEO is one of the easiest ways to earn organic traffic and rank your website in search engine results pages or SERPs.
Importance of Organic Traffic for Ranking in SERPs

  1. Organic traffic helps you target your core demographic.
  2. Organic traffic is important to provide more valuable content to your user by understanding the searcher’s intent.
  3. Organic traffic strategy, when successful, wins you good-quality backlinks due to high domain authority.

When you aim for organic traffic to rank your website on search engines, you enjoy certain benefits listed below.

5 Benefits of Organic Traffic:

  • Winning traffic organically saves you the money you can spend on other valuable resources.
  • Organic traffic boosts your website’s traffic which benefits your online visibility.
  • Organic listings increase your chances for quicker SEO (search engine optimization).
  • Businesses must comprehend their target market’s online behavior to improve page views.
  • You can improve website traffic by making your website more appealing to particular demographics or groups of individuals.

WordPress SEO importance is indescribable when it comes to increasing website traffic organically.

We’ll outline some of the best WordPress SEO tips for winning organic traffic and making your website more visible to potential customers.

SEO WordPress Tips to Win Organic Traffic

If you’re a website owner, getting the right mix of organic traffic is essential for your business’s success. Effectively targeting website visitors through website content will significantly enhance website traffic.

But what are the best SEO tips to help you win organic traffic? We’ll explain that to you in the following section.

  1. Develop a Clean and Well-Organized Website

    WordPress SEO importance depends on observing best practices for website structure. You can make it flexible for mobile devices, simple to use, and well-organized with lots of white space.

    A unique domain will also make it easy for potential clients to find your website. Please pay attention to content motivated by the audience’s needs and check it frequently to ensure it is correct and free of mistakes.

    Use a website server that can accommodate your bandwidth needs, update your website, optimize your videos and graphics for speedy downloads, and help ensure your website operates smoothly.

    You must also use other SEO WordPress tips to implement technical SEO best practices, keyword research, digital marketing, and paid advertising campaigns.

  2. Make Sure Your Content Is Useful and Unique

    WordPress SEO importance depends greatly on the content’s engagement and uniqueness. Individuals who visit your website are looking for your content that will be helpful to them. They may also seek information about the services and products you offer.

    In either case, you need to give your prospects pertinent information that will interest them, benefit them, and increase their confidence in your knowledge. Try to consider the customer’s perspective when creating the material for your website.

    Questions that will help with content creation:

    • What details would be useful to you if you were a potential customer?
    • What level of experience or knowledge do you already possess?
    • What would you require additionally to boost organic visits?

    You can improve your content by considering the answers to these from your audience’s viewpoint. You’re on the correct course if your content is original and demonstrates your subject-matter knowledge.

    Tip: Posting materials for your audience rather than “simply writing” content is also important. You must consider it with the obvious WordPress SEO tips we will further share with you.

  3. Use Keywords with Respect to Their Difficulty Level

    We all know how important keywords are for SEO ranking, but how can you make the most of them? Research your keywords and evaluate their difficulty level.

    The keyword difficulty shows how hard it is to score for a specific term. You may decide whether or not to optimize an organic piece of content for this phrase. After knowing the KD, you can also place a keyword bid during a PPC campaign.

    How does Keyword Difficulty Help with Ranking?
    Getting the keyword difficulty allows you to calculate the amount of work necessary to rank well on a search engine. Doing so may more precisely plan your time, resources, and keyword strategy.

    A tip: It’s critical to start by focusing on keywords with reasonably low difficulty. Let’s say 70 or less is an ideal number if you run a small or medium-sized firm.

  4. Optimize Your Meta Tags And Backlinks

    You can increase the quality of your traffic and gain more hits in the SERPs by improving your meta tags. In addition to other WordPress SEO tips we have shared, we’d advise you to use quality backlinking. You will have fewer SEO issues when the optimized meta tags are paired with authority backlinks.

    Why Optimize Meta Tags?
    A compelling meta description will encourage users to browse your website. They help ensure that search engine crawlers are aware of the subject matter of your material so that the website will appear in the relevant results.

    Why Optimize Backlinks?
    Backlinks to your website confirm that other websites trust your material to search engines. Backlinks from useful, high-quality websites are the most effective. The most important aspect in establishing a backlink’s worth is its source website’s caliber.

    Search engines assume a website has useful material worth listing highly in the SERPs as it acquires more backlinks.

    Your organic search results’ click-through rate can increase with a strong meta description and the right backlink. Because these two tell Google that your material is valuable enough for another site to refer to it inside their own.

  5. Subscribe to Premium Plugins for WordPress SEO

    Using premium plugins is one of our tried and true WordPress SEO tips. You can choose a top-notch WordPress theme and a WordPress SEO plugin to assist you in applying your SEO plan to improve your WordPress site.

    You can keep track of the amount and quality of your backlinks and SEO traffic using these SEO plugins. The best thing about premium WordPress SEO plugins is that you can begin learning where to direct your attention with the plugin.

    Top 3 WordPress SEO Plugins Suggested by Neil Patel

    1. SEOPress
    Ideal keyword research and backlink analysis tool.

    2. Semrush Writing Assistant Plugin
    Detailed competitor analysis and paid search marketing.

    3. Yoast SEO
    Optimized on-page SEO and improved readability.

    If plugins aren’t updated and reliable, they can introduce new security risks. Many extensions on your WordPress site could slow down the site’s load time for visitors, negating whatever SEO improvements you may have made.

    So, one of our WordPress SEO tips for you is to keep your plugins updated.

  6. Focusing on Your Social Media Optimization

    Social media optimization plans the content you post on your social media accounts, whereas SEO focuses more on the information on your website. Despite being apart, the two cooperate. It’s about establishing a consistent online presence regardless of where someone discovers you.

    • Social media post optimization with keywords.
    • Account optimization with hashtags and SEO strategy.
    • Content marketing and content strategy.

    According to some businesses, a lack of a solid strategy keeps them from becoming social enterprises. You need a social media optimization strategy with a set purpose and goals if you want to accomplish it effectively.

  7. Post Frequently (The More, the Better)

    How frequently you update your blog is important, particularly if you want to rank for SEO or create leads online. Posting regularly is one of our most useful WordPress SEO tips when it comes to pleasing search engines.

    Your website’s inbound marketing through organic search traffic directly correlates with how frequently articles are published there.

    Even though frequent posting may be advantageous, it can tax your resources. You’ll do well to publish at least once weekly if you don’t have enough time to devote to the issue.

    It all comes down to the quality vs quantity argument, and in this instance, according to Google, quality triumphs. You won’t have trouble publishing once or twice weekly as required.

  8. Write Long-Form Content with Quality backlinks

    According to research, lengthy content pieces loaded with value have higher chances of obtaining quality backlinks. These backlinks are crucial to raising search ranks.

    Another reason long-form content is among our top SEO tips for WordPress is that quality long-form material is typically more complete and valuable than short-form material. Google is aware that visitors don’t want to look up data in fragments by extracting bits from several pages.

    You can identify some prominent areas where long-form material has the edge over shorter content. You can use Google’s RankBrain algorithm for this task. It’s a computational intelligence system to categorize search results. The analytics then help you better comprehend search terms.

    The more you present these qualities in your work, the more meaning your content will offer.


Search engine optimization may seem easy, but it’s a bit complicated when you are starting from scratch. This is why we recommend beginners host their website on WordPress, as you can optimize your website right off the bat using plugins and different techniques.

Once you have your domain and host set up, you need to follow our WordPress SEO tips to achieve your goals in less time. You can also use Siteadvisor to keep Google from sending a warning message. Hiring SEO resellers can also be a way to avoid the fuss and make progress with each passing day.