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10 eCommerce SEO Secrets That No One Tells You These Days

Just a handful of players no longer dominate the world of eCommerce. Getting your eCommerce website to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs) can be challenging. But it’s not impossible.

By understanding how search engines work and what they consider quality content, you can make some changes to your website that will improve your chances of ranking well. In this article, I will share 10 eCommerce SEO secrets that can help you get more traffic to your website and boost your sales.

  1. Structure Your Title Tags properly

    The title tag is an essential element in SEO. It allows your content to appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

    You can use it to:

    • Make sure that customers find your website when they want something specific.
    • Show off what makes you different from other stores or websites. This will also help with conversions, which we’ll talk about later!
  2. Use Targeted Keywords

    Keywords play an essential role in any SEO strategy. They tell search engines what you’re selling and how to find your website when someone searches for them. Keywords should be used strategically.

    Think about each keyword as a customer would: why do they want it? What problems do they face if they can’t find what they want online? How will your business solve those problems better than anyone else?

    Be Specific About Products And Services
    You might think that being specific is a bit of an overreaction when selecting keywords. However, many companies fail to drive traffic to their desired websites from search engines because they lack particular keywords.

    For example, a photography studio in East London that uses keywords such as ‘studio for photography’ and ‘photography studio’ etc. would do better to include keywords such as ‘photography studio in East London’ or ‘East London studio for photography, etc. in their content or blogs.

    A good rule of thumb here will be if there’s more than one way for someone else (or even yourself) to use similar terms that could describe what you offer. Chances are there will already exist an established community around those terms, so even if no one knows who owns them yet—they’ll eventually get around!

  3. Make Use of Internal Anchor Text Linking

    Internal anchor text linking is a powerful tool you should use to your advantage. It’s essential to keep in mind that internal links should be relevant and related to the content on your site, but they also need to be optimized for search engines like Google.

    There are two ways you can use internal anchor text:

    • You can place a tag at the beginning of each page and then insert internal links using Googlebot (the web crawler) to find them easily; or
    • You can put all of these links into one paragraph, so they look like this: “This article was written by an SEO expert named Joe Schmoe who lives at 123 Main Street, where he owns his own business called SEO Incorporated, which offers services such as keyword research & optimization & link building, etc.
  4. Develop Content That is Super-Specific to an Audience

    • Use the keywords you are targeting in your content.
    • Use the keywords in the title of your content.
    • Use the keywords in the meta description of your content.
    • Use the keywords in the URL of your content (e.g. www.examplecompanyname-com/product-category).
    • Add alt tags for images that contain those words or phrases so that people can easily find them when searching for information about them online (e.g., this article has a picture with an alt tag containing one or more of these terms: “SEO secrets”).
  5. Optimize Homepage For Sales

    The homepage is the most important page on your site. The home page should be optimized for conversions and have a unique layout that tells people why they should buy from you instead of someone else’s site.

    You can use this strategy to build trust with visitors and get them to convert into customers. A well-designed and optimized homepage reduces the exit or bounce rate and improves the dwell-time of your desired target audience, which leads to greater conversions.

  6. Optimize Your Product Pages to Rank Better in Search Results

    • Product title: The first thing visitors see when they arrive on your page.
    • Product Description: A detailed explanation of your product and why someone would need it. This is also known as “product copy” or “sales copy” and should be written clearly and concisely, but not so long that it becomes boring or hard to read.
    • Product bullet points (sometimes called “benefit statements”): These are summaries of the main features of each item you’re selling, including price and availability. They will help potential buyers understand what they can expect from their purchase decision before buying anything!
  7. Speed Up Your Online Store Loading Time

    You can speed up your store loading time by using a CDN.

    A content delivery network is a group of servers worldwide that serves cached copies of web pages to users. This means that instead of showing you a static copy of each page, it will show you an updated version every time it gets modified on one server.

    Since this process happens automatically and from multiple locations at once, your browser doesn’t have to wait for each server before showing its cached version again.

    Many different types of CDNs available today, ranging from free services like Amazon Cloudfront or Google Cloudflare, which offer limited bandwidth with high latency (delay) but low cost per GB (gigabyte).

  8. Make Sure You Have a Mobile-Friendly E-Commerce Site

    Mobile-friendly e-commerce sites are essential if you want to build a successful and referrable business. The good news is that most eCommerce platforms have this functionality built-in, but it’s still vital to ensure that your site loads quickly and looks great on mobile devices.

    Here are some tips for making sure your eCommerce website is optimized for mobile:

    • Use HTML5 instead of Flash (if possible) to improve performance and speed up loading times.
    • Use a responsive design so that when someone scrolls down the page, everything stays visible on their screen regardless of how big their device is/how many pages they’ve navigated through already to get there.
  9. Create and Update More On-Site Blogs Regularly

    Blogging is a great way to build a community around your brand and can help you improve SEO rankings. For example, if you have an eCommerce store that sells clothes, one of the best things you can do is create an on-site blog where customers can leave reviews and share their experiences with other people.

    This will help them get more exposure and build trust with potential buyers by providing helpful information on what they need or want to know about fashion.

    Another benefit of blogging is that it allows you to share valuable content with your audience, so they feel like they’re getting value from reading through each blog post (and likely will return). This way, there’s less chance for brands who use this tactic to gain new followers and keep existing ones coming back daily!

    There are a lot of blogging platforms to choose from to start a blog, Blogger and WordPress being the most popular ones. This article could help you get some clarity about which one would work best for you.

  10. Optimize your 404 pages

    Broken links can have a drastic impact on your page’s ranking. One of the most important things you can do to increase traffic on your website is to optimize your 404 page for search engines. This means that you must ensure you are not wasting valuable space by displaying broken links or outdated information on your 404 page.

    You should also ensure that your site’s internal links point back to useful pages rather than any external sites with information about your business.

Ensure your website is secure

Many business owners invest a lot into making their websites look attractive without understanding how the website ecosystem works behind the scenes. When they do not get the response they hope for; many business owners tend to abandon their websites and pin their hopes on other means to grow their businesses.

One such overlooked factor is SSL certification. Though quite easy to implement, it usually goes unnoticed as many website owners are unaware of its significance. It has become quite clear that over the years, Google ranks secured websites higher than non-SSL/non_https websites. These websites are generally considered insecure.

Since 2020, chrome explicitly displays a warning when you attempt to access non-secure websites or websites with a combination of HTTP and non-HTTP elements. This can significantly increase the bounce rate, resulting in a decrease in organic traffic.


These days, there are so many eCommerce sites out there that it can be difficult for a company to compete with them. That’s why it’s crucial to optimize your site for search results. After all, if you don’t rank well in Google searches, no one will find you! If you are new to SEO, this should help you get the basics.

Dipen Visavadiya Author

Dipen Visavadiya is a result-driven SEO Specialist with 7+ years of experience. He has experienced increasing organic traffic from 10K to 100K in just six months. Besides SEO, Dipen is passionate about the use of technology to build professional relationships with people.