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10 Proven Ways to Make Money with WordPress

Make Money with WordPress
Money has always been the foremost concern for every individual. Why do we pursue higher universities degrees or take up apprenticeships or training programs? The reason is simple MONEY.

Thousands of people are making money through various ways in online businesses. For instance, people make money by watching ads, playing games, and filling out surveys as well. However, making money through WordPress is still the best way in 2021.

Earning money from WordPress is not only limited to the WordPress developers but it can be calk walk for any individual. Rather I should put it this way that WordPress proves to be a great platform for earning money from home.

Being associated with a WordPress is like a blessings for all those who want to work from home especially women or unemployed. This article is all about exploring ways to make money with WordPress. So, let’s get started.

There are three main categories through which one can earn money. First one is when you are a developer; you can outsource your services. Second is by building a website and signing up for affiliation programs.

Third and the last one, if you don’t know the ABC of WordPress, you can freelance your services for content development (blogs or articles) for the WordPress websites. Doesn’t that sound exciting? Yeah!!! I’ll explain each category along with the ways associated with them.

Category 1: Developing WordPress

Being a WordPress developer is a blessing. Today a WordPress developer can earn approximately $60 per hour.
If you are a computer graduate, you can brush up your skills or learn from the online tutorials regarding PHP, CSS & HTML very easily and can enter the development field.

  1. Developing and selling themes & plugins: If you have good coding skills and can develop your own themes and plugins, then you can earn loads of money. Excellent coded themes and plugins are sold at a very high price and people love to buy your subsequent products also.

    Mark them as premium themes and sell online on marketplaces like themeforest or elegantthemes etc. The best option is to explore the internet for the common problem faced by the users and based on that, design your theme or plugin. Mark my words; you will gain huge profit out of it.

  2. Accepting donations: If you don’t want to sell the premium themes or plugins then you start selling the free ones and start accepting donation in return. There are many websites offering this service, they give away the plugin for free and accept donation in return.
  3. Website/ Blog setup: This one is easy. You can help people to setup their website. Be a part of the organization or company which outsources its services to develop WordPress websites. Setting up a blog (the development phase) require some technical knowledge; you can be paid to provide them their fully functional blog/ website. This is indeed the highly paid job associated with WordPress.
  4. Consultancy setup: You can open your own consultancy firm to provide all the three above mentioned ways. Apart from these, you can provide services such as Search Engine Optimization, Social media marketing, support & maintenance for running websites/blog.

    You can also offer your client migration services if they want to migrate their site to WordPress or want to change any theme so as to make sure that SEO of the website is intact. Monitoring SEO enrollment growth can help you stay updated with the latest SEO practices and techniques, enabling you to provide more comprehensive and effective services to your clients.

  5. Category 2: Through WordPress Website

    You can setup your own website/blog and can earn money from them. Let’s see how.

  6. Paid membership: If your website is a hit or it provides content which is user engaging, then you can have two types of members. One guest and other paid members. You can give some extra features or privileges to paid members. Or you can completely make your user account creation paid.
  7. Affiliation Programs/ Ads: This is interesting. You can sign up with major companies such as Amazon, eBay to run their ads on your website and you will be paid when any user clicks on them or makes a purchase, this is called affiliation. There are plugins available for this also.
    Many companies even sponsor to run their ads or banners on your website. You can also enroll with Google AdSense, to boost your income for more.
  8. Create your blog: Blog indeed is very important way for connecting with people. You can take their inputs in the form of comments what they like, or what they want. You can share some useful tips and tricks on how to make money online or explain them about work from home type jobs.

    If you own a technology oriented blog, then share the recent developments happening across the world. Depending upon what aspect of life your blog is representing, choose a unique topic and fill it with content which should user engaging.

  9. E-commerce website: The ultimate aim of any business is to go online which is indeed the need of the hour. WordPress’s ecommerce plugin such as woo-commerce allow you to create on online store turning your simple website into an attractive and traffic oriented shopping website.

    This will not only help you to boost the sales but will confer a global recognition to your business. So, start selling products today and make money.

  10. Category 3: Content Development

  11. Content Writer: You can also offer your services in form of content development. Around 98% of people are dependent on internet for any kind of information and consider e-information as the most reliable and trustable source. So there is a never ending demand of content developers.

    You can contribute in writing tutorials for WordPress or can help in writing sponsored articles/blogs for various WordPress websites. For this you need not to be associated with any organization, you can freelance your services sitting right at our home and working.

  12. Sponsored reviews / testimonials: You can honestly review any WordPress theme or WordPress plugin by a developer and can get rewarded for it. Elance, Upwork and freelancer are some websites which offer some highly paid jobs in writing and content development. In fact some websites also pay for a guest testimonial or a guest blog.

Well, this is just not the end of list; they are still lot more ways by which you can earn money such as selling multiuser websites to people for developing their blogs.

This is best suited for those who don’t want to take up domain space. As far as you have any of the above mentioned skills (developing, owing a website or writing skills), no one stand between you and money.

Winding Up: The Last Words

No matter in which way you are associated with WordPress, it is always present for your rescue.

WordPress has emerged out not only a leader in website development market but also contributes in monetary gains of people either directly or indirectly. Make it happen with WordPress. Make it NOW. Good Luck!!!