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How To Use WordPress To Build A Web App?

Almost all companies make use of applications for their business. In fact, a recent survey shows that over 25% of webmasters worldwide make use of WordPress and every website owner as well also make use of mobile application.

And since most of those businesses run their websites powered by WordPress, it makes complete sense to assume that they will make use of WordPress app development techniques.

One advantage of using WordPress powered application for your website is that immediately you update the website or post new material, it simultaneously become visible on the application.

If you own a new website, you wouldn’t want to go through the stress of posting first on the website and then on the application, you will love to see your post show on your website and in your application at the same time.

New changes and new designs will also be visible on the website and the application at the same time. Without you going through the stress of doing the same thing on both platforms.

There are thousands of tools online for mobile app development, but would it not be more reasonable to hire WordPress app developer tools during your WordPress powered application development for your WordPress website since the basic function needed to run a successful WordPress website is readily available on the WordPress application?

WordPress has a unique way of saving or managing your data and you can use this concept to build your own application. Themes and plugin used by many for tweaking of websites appearance and functions may be hard when used on other platforms, but with help of WordPress powered application this can easily be done.

With the varieties of API offered to leverage, it can be easy and great to start your website and application on WordPress platform. It comes with some content types features which include authentication, sanitisation, and the user roles amongst others. Even when the application to be built is a huge application, you worry less about the interface, the taxonomies, image galleries and Meta boxes.

  1. How to Create Mobile Application with WordPress using App Builder

    App builder is one of the less costly and easy ways for mobile app development for your business. Several app building applications are available for the same purpose with little or no knowledge about coding needed to use them. Examples are AppBuilder, Reactor, Good Barber, Mobile Roadie etc. Each of them though offers great supports and for websites, they allow you to both post and comment on posts.

    For example, Reactor which was launched by Apppresser is one of those great applications for building mobile applications and it was designed in such a way that WordPress webmasters can create an application that can be linked directly to the WordPress website.

    Custom contents can also be integrated easily such as events, pages, posts, images. It also has deep incorporation with several plugins like the WooCommerce integration and custom post types.

    A basic fact though is that, all app builder has their advantages and disadvantages that one must first think on before going ahead to build his mobile application. Here are some of the advantage and disadvantage or App Builder:

    Previously mobile app development takes lots of resources, time and expertise, but with App builder, you can create a good application with little or no coding or programming knowledge. And it saves a reasonable amount of time and money.

    With App Builder you are confined to creating only a simple application with limited functions, gigantic functions with several features cannot be done with it alone. To add more functions or special features to it, you might need to make use of other tools to accomplish this and at moments like that, you end up spending more resources and time.

  2. Business Needs a Mobile App

    Most user will access your services via their mobile devices. With a mobile-friendly version of your website, you will have an increased target for your business which includes the mobile user.

    Only those running casual blog on WordPress might live without their business application, but any other business no matter the type, the size or the length of operation you will need a mobile friendly application. Here are some reasons why your business needs a mobile app.

    • With your mobile app, users get the needed contents faster than the alternative mobile-friendly website.
    • Whether you are offline or online, contents can still be provided.
    • Push notifications can be sent to users through the application.
    • Better user experiences an interface is guaranteed with the application.
    • Engagement of user with your content is done, as they explore the content of your application they prefer it over a mobile-friendly website.
  3. Non-native vs Native Application

    Native applications sometimes called system applications are the applications that are specially designed for a specific smartphone OS. Since designing of native applications is done within a very mature environment, where both the UX and guidelines are followed strictly for the OS, both a higher performance and a perfect delivery for end users is achieved. So navigation will thus be made easy for the users.

    Inbuilt function of a device will also be accessed and used judiciously, inbuilt functions like camera, message, contact list etc. are good and usually known for being faster than other non-native (Hybrid) applications. Although more funds might be spent since each version will be targeted at different OS.

    More applications are now being developed as a cross platform application using HTML5 and this done using the same tools employed for website development. Hybrid application are mostly developed with HTML5, JavaScript etc. are rolled in native containers with the main contents loaded on the main page to help user have an easy navigation through them.

    Although, most hybrid application might deem to be native applications, through check shows they are made by the official site.

  4. Get a Hybrid Custom Application

    Applications can also be created easily by getting a custom mobile application. Thus method is used especially for creation of application with special purpose and functions. Although, projects like this consumes more fund it must be well planned before executing it.

    Certain frameworks and WordPress-API tech are needed to accomplish the aim of creating mobile application. Combination of hybrid application made with JavaScript, CSS and apache Cordova formerly referred to as PhoneGap will help provide access the features of the native device. The created application access WordPress contents with the help of the API.

  5. Creating your App’s API

    Application protocol interface (API) is a tool used for communication between application and websites. With the use of API, integration of your applications with other services is possible. Getting your own API is not compulsory, but it’s make things more convenient for you.

    Incorporation of other services to your application is the main reason for using API. The beauty though is that your richly built application can be integrated with other popular products thereby helping you benefit from the product user base.

  6. How to Create your Own API?

    As earlier mentioned API is mainly used for integrating your application with other services. Creating of your own API has now become very easy thanks to advancement in technology.

    Basically there are 2 ways of creating your own API (I) Jetpack’s JSON API (II) WordPress (WP) API. The two through are JSON RESTful APIs and incorporation with other services that uses same platform and standard is very easy to accomplish.

    WordPress comes with a special and a unique feature called WP API which is a WordPress’s JSON REST API and this uses a more decentralized approach. A two-way communication facility is made possible with this development as a mobile app user can both create posts and also approving user’s comments using the same mobile application.

    This has also made getting your WordPress website contents into your mobile application possible. With the help of a plugin called WP-API plugin which will be installed on your WordPress website, this will be done easily.

    Jetpack’s JSON API help in establishment of a tailor-made applications that use the REST API of and the services of oAuth2. The application has been in circulation for a very long time and recently the version 1.0 was released.

    Checking the functions, one might easily say that both API are similar or uses the same functions. But certain differences exist between them which is, difference in hosting, WordPress API is hosted on your own website, while the Jetpack’s API runs on the’s servers.


In this article we have explored how you can create mobile application for your personal and business use with WordPress app development process and some of the underlying benefits of doing this. The truth though is WordPress services has been integrated as an essential function or part of our world and day in day out so many are longing to use WordPress services.

Gone are the days when WordPress was particularly known for creating blogs, but as of today, they have gone beyond those preliminary stages and now their services can be used for mobile app development.

Although most application created are small scope applications, but possibilities with the custom field, which include the custom post types, taxonomies and other custom featured related functions shows signal for more advanced future usage.

So, when next you want to create application for your business, it will be more successful if you hire WordPress app developer for this purpose.

Tarang Vyas Author

Tarang Vyas, CTO at Perception System, a leading WordPress Development Company, founded in 2001