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Why Savvy Businesses Hire Remote Database Administration Services to Manage Their WordPress Databases

Businesspeople around the world use WordPress to power their business websites and blogs with ease. WordPress is also the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world. It’s SEO-friendly URL structure has made it the go-to site for most digital marketers and webmasters.

From the outset, WordPress is designed to be compatible with Google’s search algorithms. This means that Google can easily index websites using the WordPress CMS, helping them come up when people search for related key terms.

As a result, SEO specialists find it far easier to work within the WordPress platform to enable your website achieve high ranking for the appropriate keywords. Some of the SEO advantages of using WordPress as your CMS include the following:

  • Permalinks are customizable – Including your key terms in your URL is advisable, and WordPress makes this easy. Google can therefore spot you easily with the appropriate keyword terms.
  • It features built-in RSS feeds – RSS feeds go a long way in boosting SEO by sending your content to a feed directory with a good rebound link. It enables you to get and maintain followers to your post, and Google favors this. This feature is already included in the WordPress framework.
  • Simple and clean code – Clean code reduces the risk of people injecting malicious scripts to the code as Google can easily identify them and alert the responsible parties.
  • Numerous plugins – WordPress features thousands of useful plugins that give your business website added functionality. They are useful both to end users and to webmasters.

With all these advantages, it is still important that you hire the services of remote DBA experts to manage your WordPress database rather than hiring a fulltime in-house DBA for the job. Below, we look at some of the benefits of outsourcing your DBA needs.

  1. Cost Savings

    Outsourcing your database administration will save you money because it eliminates the need to pay an in-house DBA specialist a huge salary plus benefits every month, including months when not much DBA work has been done. On average, you may have to pay a fulltime DBA about $80,000 per year. In addition, they may cost you over $5,000 every year in training.

    It is thereforea good idea to outsource your DBA for the purpose of managing costs if your business has a stable database. You will probably not be able to justify to your stakeholders the cost of having a fulltime, in-house DBA.
    You can, however, negotiate your contract with remote DBA professionals in a way that allows you to only pay for value received. This would save you expenses on logistics, equipment, and office space. Check out this list of the 10 best stakeholder management software.

  2. Peace of Mind

    Outsourcing your DBA to professionals lets you focus on running your core business. When you use remote DBA services, you enjoy peace of mind with the knowledge that, with professionals on the job, any arising problems will be handled. The responsibility of managing the database shifts from you to the remote DBA experts, such as, after contracting their services.

    On the other hand, if you have not hired a DBA professional, you have reason to worry because instances of downtime or outage may translate to a public relations nightmare and loss of revenues, current customers, and prospective customers.

    Additionally, when you hire remote DBA services, you don’t have to worry about times when your in-house DBA gets sick or is on leave; a team of remote DBA professionals are always on call and always have someone monitoring your database. To execute all remote operations more securely, consider getting cheap RDP which will also provide secure communications.

  3. Institutional Memory

    The highly competitive modern business environment means that a highly talented and qualified in-house DBA will stay on the job for about three years before being poached. With remote DBA services, you have guaranteed institutional memory when you stick with the same remote DBA service.

    In contrast, losing your in-house DBAs to competitors exposes you to the risk of losing confidential business information and technology to them. Furthermore, it typically results in a hard transition period needed for your new DBA to become familiar with your database.

  4. Technical Skills

    Among the top advantages of contracting the services of a remote DBA team for your WordPress database management is that these professionals are well-trained and highly qualified to perform the job. Having gained a lot of experience by working with multiple customers, the professionals have developed a strong and almost intuitive sense of the job’s nitty-gritty.

    Conversely, an in-house DBA has probably worked only for you or for very few businesses. Therefore, they may not have experience and a deep understanding of industry trends. He/she may have become comfortable with his/her daily activities. Highly experienced remote DBA teams can offer you valuable tips on steps you need to take to ensure a robust database system.

  5. Monitoring and Reporting

    A team of remote DBA experts will constantly monitor every aspect of your website’s database. Top remote DBA companies have top-of-the-range sets of proprietary scripts for capacity planning, pre-outage alerts, and automatic DB reporting. Monitoring is essential as it helps you avoid potentially devastating problems before they occur.

    Be sure to hire a remote DBA service that has the following types of reports.

    • Tuning reports: These reports assist in detecting object-level I/O issues and they automatically execute caching operations. They also alert the experts of possibly vital performance issues such as missing indexes.
    • Trend reports: These reports determine the baseline signature for your database. This signature generates exception reports that detect abnormal database conditions.
    • Exception reports: These reports find their way to the responsible manager’s inbox on a daily basis. They indicate instances when the database experiences stress and they go beyond basic monitoring to keep track of processing movement, reporting on CPU-related and RAM problems.
    • Capacity planning reports: The responsible managers receive these reports on a weekly basis with a summary of activities performed in the course of the week as well as the week’s total growth.

    Few in-house DBAs will commit sufficient time to monitoring as they typically work 8-hour days and probably have other duties in the organization. Generating all the above reports would take more than one DBA, meaning higher costs of running.

Sujain Thomas Author

Sujain Thomas is a freelance content writer. She has written numerous articles on technology, career, and other topics. Recently, she has written a number of articles on website hosting and DBA. To know more about DBA, visit